I want to get the transition matrix for building a Markov chain model to build a recommender system. My data is in the form
Date StudentID Subjectid
201601 123 1
201601 234 4
201601 122 2
201602 123 3
201602 123 1
201602 234 2
201603 122 3
I want to predict the next three subject that the student is most likely to pick. I am finding it difficult to get this data in the form of transition matrix so that I can build a markov chain model.
I have tried the following code but I am not sure how the transition matrix will be generated. Please help!
rf <- (data$Subjectid)
n <- (length(train$Subjectid))
trf <- table(data.frame(data$Subjectid[1:(n-
To create a transition matrix, there is already a post regarding that. Your data should look something like this:
df1 <- as.data.frame.matrix(table(data[,c("StudentID","Subjectid")]))
trans.matrix <- function(X, prob=T)
tt <- table( c(X[,-ncol(X)]), c(X[,-1]) )
if(prob) tt <- tt / rowSums(tt)
transition_df <- trans.matrix(as.matrix(df1))
then you can use this: