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Installing mariadb-connector-c on Rasbian

I'm trying to install the libaries for mariadb-connector-c on my Raspberry Pi 3. But I didn't done that before and are not able to do that. I installed mariadb-server on my Pi with apt-get. Now I try to install all libaries from Connector C. Especially a stable version. So i tried to install Version 2.3.3.

I downloaded the source files (mariadb-connector-c-2.3.3-src.tar.gz). Than I tried to run cmake on my pi (cannot find a "simple" description of how to use it) and got an error:

-- Check if the system is big endian
-- Searching 16 bit integer
-- Looking for sys/types.h
*** stack smashing detected ***: cmake terminated

I cannot find that package with apt-get and so on. Can anyone help me please? The C(++)-Code which will run on the pi is no problem but I do not understand how to install those packages.

On my Pi is Raspbian (Jessie) installed.


  • Solution:

    The sd card is defect and cannot write sectors without errors. Even a fsck seems to repair the defects but the next (heavy) write operation produces the same errors.

    --> Replaced the sd-card and everything works fine.