How to create an ellipse from known axis coordinates and peak radius ?
From picture below :
Point A and Point B is know
R is a result of fresnelZone calculation (in Meters).
Point X is a Centroid of LineString AB
I Also read : this and this But I don't know how to implement it.
one might proceed for example as:
#!/usr/bin/env python
import math
from shapely.geometry import Point
from shapely.affinity import scale, rotate
#input parameters
A = Point(1, 1)
B = Point(4, 5)
R = 1
d = A.distance(B)
#first, rotate B to B' around A so that |AB'| = |AB| and B'.y = A.y
#and then take S as midpoint of AB'
S = Point(A.x + d/2, A.y)
#alpha represents the angle of this rotation
alpha = math.atan2(B.y - A.y, B.x - A.x)
#create a circle with center at S passing through A and B'
C = S.buffer(d/2)
#rescale this circle in y-direction so that the corresponding
#axis is R units long
C = scale(C, 1, R/(d/2))
#rotate the ellipse obtained in previous step around A into the
#original position (positive angles represent counter-clockwise rotation)
C = rotate(C, alpha, origin = A, use_radians = True)
for x,y in C.exterior.coords:
print(x, y)