I am using ggplotly to show an interactive time-series plot. The x axis is in date format, yet the hover tool tip in plotly is converting the date format to a numeric (screenshot attached). Any ideas on how to get the date to show as a proper date in the tooltip?
Below is a short piece of the code:
output$ggplot <- renderPlotly({
plotbycity<-df_postgres %>% group_by(city, date, bedroooms) %>%
filter(city %in% input$checkGroup & bedroooms==input$radio) %>%
summarise(count=n(),rent=median(rent)) %>%
# Error handling
if (is.null(plotbycity)) return(NULL)
#dat <- dat[c("rent", "bedroooms", "date", "City")]
#dat <- melt(dat,id.vars=c("date", "City", "bedroooms"),na.rm=TRUE) #
# draw the line plot using ggplot
gg <-ggplot(plotbycity, aes(x = date, y = rent, group = city, color = city,
text = paste('obs: ', count))) +
geom_line() +
ggtitle("Monthly Rents")
# #theme_hc(bgcolor = "darkunica") +
# #scale_fill_hc("darkunica")
p <- ggplotly(gg, tooltip = c("x", "y", "text"))
If you use just text
in your tooltip, you can render a more complex tooltip by using the text
element you pass to ggplot
. You just need to call as.Date
and use some <br>
html tags as follows:
# draw the line plot using ggplot
gg <-ggplot(plotbycity, aes(x = date, y = rent, group = city, color = city,
text = paste('Rent ($):', rent,
'<br>Date: ', as.Date(date),
'<br>Obs: ', count))) +
geom_line() +
ggtitle("Monthly Rents")
p <- ggplotly(gg, tooltip = c("text"))
Hope that helps!