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Targeting multiple frameworks with Cake script

A co-worker recently added .NET Standard support to one of our projects using the new VS2017 .csproj format:

enter image description here

This seems to have broken my script as I get the following error when using the Cake MSBuild alias (

error : Project 'C:\example\path\myproj.csproj' targets '.NETFramework,Version=v4.6.1'. It cannot be referenced by a project that targets '.NETStandard,Version=v1.6'.

Does Cake support building against multiple frameworks using the new VS2017 project format? If so, is there a way I can do so with the MSBuildSettings argument I can pass to the MSBuild alias? Thanks a lot.


  • Yes Cake fully supports building VS2017 projects both using latest .NET SDK 1.0.4 and MSBuild 15.x.

    Cake itself is built using Cake, VS2017 and .NET Core SDK 1.0.4

    When using MSBuild alias make sure you're using correct version of MSBuild by setting Tool version to MSBuildToolVersion.VS2017.

        new MSBuildSettings { ToolVersion = MSBuildToolVersion.VS2017

    If you've got VS2017 installed in a non standard location, then you can use the VSWhere tool and alias to locate correct MSBuild path

    #tool nuget:?package=vswhere 
    DirectoryPath vsLatest = VSWhereLatest();
    FilePath msBuildPathX64 = (vsLatest==null) ? null : vsLatest.CombineWithFilePath("./MSBuild/15.0/Bin/amd64/MSBuild.exe"); 
        new MSBuildSettings { ToolPath = msBuildPathX64

    Read more about this at: