I would like to control an application (Shady.app
) with an AppleScript command. Unfortunately it doesn't have the standard menubar items such as File, Edit, View, etc.
My goal is to somehow issue a command to the app through AppleScript such that it will toggle the "Turn Shady On" & "Turn Shady Off" command:
NOTE: "Turn Shady On" is the OFF state and it turns to "Turn Shady Off" when Shady is in the ON state.
How can you create a script that toggles this both directions based on it's current state in AppleScript? Or is there a better way than AppleScript to control this programmatically?
You can do something like this via Keyboard Maestro. Here's an image demonstrating what you want in action:
For the record, I also thought this was so awesome that I also included a way to create a darken/lighten global shortcut:
You've also gotta have "Show Dock Icon" turned on in system preferences for this to work!
See this post on the forums for more info. I'll go ahead and paste it here as well for convenience's sake and to circumvent link rot:
I have an application that runs only as a menubar app. It has a simple command that is essentially "Turn App On"/"Turn App Off". Is there a way to make Keyboard Maestro set up a global hotkey to initiate the command in this app?
I just ran across this topic which addresses your issue: osx - How to send a menubar app (with no menubar menu items) a command in AppleScript? - Stack Overflow
I don't know if you are the OP or not, and I have NOT tested the suggested solution. But maybe it will at least get you started.
So I can enable it to show up on the Dock and with that I was able to set keyboard shortcuts that work... But I have to get focus on the app first (i.e., cmd-tab). That's a hassle and I'd rather just issue something like command-option-shift-space to turn it on and then to toggle it back off again. That seems doable with KM, but I'm not sure how to make the Maestro do that per se
This is very easy in KM, just use the
Another option is to use the Select or Show a Menu Item action (KM Wiki), but I'm not sure if it will work in this situation.