my problem is that when I use this:
LPSTR a = "0";
LPSTR b = "1";
LPSTR c = "2";
LPSTR d = "3";
LPSTR e = "4";
TCHAR strex[5];
myFile = CreateFile("C:\\a.txt", FILE_WRITE_DATA, NULL, NULL, CREATE_ALWAYS,
TCHAR n[5];
StringCchCopy(n, 5, a);
StringCchCat(n, 5, b);
StringCchCat(n, 5, c);
StringCchCat(n, 5, d);
StringCchCat(n, 5, e);
strex = n;
WriteFile(myFile, strex, (DWORD)(sizeof(strex)), &x, NULL);
I get this error for this line: strex = n;
error C2106: '=' : left operand must be l-value
If I change TCHAR strex[5];
to TCHAR strex;
then I get the following errors:
error C2440: '=' : cannot convert from 'TCHAR [5]' to 'TCHAR'
error C2664: 'WriteFile' : cannot convert parameter 2 from 'TCHAR' to 'LPCVOID'
Is there anyway to accomplish what I'm trying to do with different code? Help would be appreciated.
You must be using an old compiler as C2106 is the wrong error. It should be
error C3863: array type 'TCHAR [5]' is not assignable
When you:
TCHAR strex[5];
You are creating an array of five chars on the stack. strex is a pointer to that array. You can not change that pointer. So when you:
strex = n;
You are asking to assign the pointer n
to the pointer strex
. If you want a pointer to n
TCHAR* strex= n;
Will work. But you don't even have to do that, you already have the pointer with n
WriteFile(myFile, n, (DWORD)(sizeof(n)), &x, NULL);