I have the following dataframes:
name phone duration(m)
Luisa 443442 1
Jack 442334 6
Matt 442212 2
Jenny 453224 1
prefix charge rate
443 0.8 0.3
446 0.8 0.4
442 0.6 0.1
476 0.8 0.3
my desired output is to match each phone number with its prefix (there are more prefixes than phone numbers) and calculate how much to charge per called by multiplying the duration of call for each phone number by the corresponding prefix charge plus the corresponding rate.
output ex.
name phone duration(m) bill
Luisa 443442 1 (example: 1x0.3+0.8)
Jack 442334 6 (example: 6x0.1+0.6)
Matt 442212 2
Jenny 453224 1
my idea was to convert df2 to a dictionary like so dict={'443':[0.3,0.8],'442':[0.1,0.6]...} so i could match each number with the dict key and then do the opertion with the corresponding value of that matching key. However is not working and would also like to know if there is a better alternative.
df1 = pd.DataFrame({'name':["Louisa","Jack","Matt","Jenny"],'phone':[443442,442334,442212,453224],'duration':[1,6,2,1]})
df2 = pd.DataFrame({'prefix':[443,446,442,476],'charge':[0.8,0.8,0.6,0.8],'rate':[0.3,0.4,0.1,0.3]})
for j in range(len(df4)):
for i in range(len(df3["prefix"])):
if df3.loc[i,"prefix"]==int(df4.iloc[j]):
duration name phone charge prefix rate bill
0 1 Louisa 443442 0.8 443 0.3 1.1
1 6 Jack 442334 0.8 446 0.4 None
2 2 Matt 442212 0.6 442 0.1 1.3
3 1 Jenny 453224 0.8 476 0.3 None
The None values in the bill column are because in your excample no phone number has the prefixes 446 or 476 and thus they are not in the df4... Also the bill is calculated with the formula of yours given in the question