I am trying to build Liferay 7 wsrp module from Liferay GitHub repository. I couldn't build entire Liferay source, is it possible to build this wsrp module only ?
If anybody has a jar file working on Liferay 7 CE ga2 or ga3, please share.
Important Edit:
You don't actually need to rely on the Liferay Portal jars for most modules. The reason this one failed as it did was that simply running gradlew deploy
in modules/apps/wsrp
will automatically include all subprojects, which includes wsrp-test. The "-test" modules rely on the com.liferay.portal.test-integration artifact.
However, if you add the option -Dbuild.profile=portal
to your command, the Gradle wrapper liferay-portal will only include modules that contain the .lfrbuild-portal marker file, which all of the wsrp modules have except for wsrp-test.
Original Post:
Liferay has a Maven repository that hosts their public artifacts.
Their portal artifacts can be found here: https://repository.liferay.com/nexus/content/groups/public/com/liferay/portal/
However, if you're building a module from the source in their Git repo, the latest release/snapshot on the Maven repo might be out of date. Snapshots are updated fairly frequently, but this is still a possibility. The safest thing to do is to just compile the portal from source.