I have a Raspberry pi and using Python I've wrote a GUI to control a fan using PWM and to work out the RPM from the fans pulsed output. The GUI has a label at the top, buttons to select different duty cycles, an LED logo indicator to display which button is selected, buttons to 'STOP FAN', 'Exit', 'Display RPM'.
I start the fan using the 'Start Fan' button. I can then select different duty cycles. When I click the 'Display RPM' button the label at the top of the GUI displays the RPM(with a lot of numbers after the decimal place), it is just a quick snapshot of the RPM. My code runs ok.
My question is this. How do I get the label to constantly display the changing RPM? I would like to remove the 'Display RPM' button and just have the label display the live changing RPM all the time. I have googled for help for several hours and have tried 'after', 'function calls', etc. But i can't seem to grasp what I need to do or where in the code it should go.
Many thanks in advance for your time and help. The code might not be the best I know but I'm learning. I'll happily accept any suggestions on how to improve it.
# Fan PWM Control
import time
from time import sleep
import piface.pfio as pfio
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
my_pwm = GPIO.PWM(7,1000)
last_time = time.time()
this_time = time.time()
RPM = 0
from Tkinter import *
import Tkinter as tk
class App:
def __init__(self, master):
frame = Frame(master)
self.TACHO = Label(frame, text=RPM)
self.TACHO.grid(row=0, column=0)
self.button0 = Button(frame, text='Start Fan', command=self.convert0)
self.button0.grid(row=2, column=0)
self.LED0 = Label(frame, image=logo2)
self.LED0.grid(row=2, column=1)
self.button1 = Button(frame, text='Fan 30% Duty Cycle', command=self.convert1)
self.button1.grid(row=3, column=0)
self.LED1 = Label(frame, image=logo2)
self.LED1.grid(row=3, column=1)
self.button2 = Button(frame, text='Fan 45% Duty Cycle', command=self.convert2)
self.button2.grid(row=4, column=0)
self.LED2 = Label(frame, image=logo2)
self.LED2.grid(row=4, column=1)
self.button3 = Button(frame, text='Fan 60% Duty Cycle', command=self.convert3)
self.button3.grid(row=5, column=0)
self.LED3 = Label(frame, image=logo2)
self.LED3.grid(row=5, column=1)
self.button4 = Button(frame, text='Fan 75% Duty Cycle', command=self.convert4)
self.button4.grid(row=6, column=0)
self.LED4 = Label(frame, image=logo2)
self.LED4.grid(row=6, column=1)
self.button5 = Button(frame, text='Fan 90% Duty Cycle', command=self.convert5)
self.button5.grid(row=7, column=0)
self.LED5 = Label(frame, image=logo2)
self.LED5.grid(row=7, column=1)
self.button6 = Button(frame, text='Fan 100% Duty Cycle', command=self.convert6)
self.button6.grid(row=8, column=0)
self.LED6 = Label(frame, image=logo2)
self.LED6.grid(row=8, column=1)
self.button7 = Button(frame, text='STOP FAN', command=self.convert7)
self.button7.grid(row=9, column=0)
self.button8 = Button(frame, text='Exit', command=self.convert8)
self.button8.grid(row=10, column=0)
self.button9 = Button(frame, text='Display RPM', command=self.Tach)
self.button9.grid(row=11, column=0)
def convert0(self):
print('Fan 15% Duty Cycle')
global a
a = 1
self.button0.config(text='Fan 15% Duty Cycle')
self.LED0.config(image = logo)
pfio.digital_write(0,1) #turn on
self.LED1.config(image = logo2)
self.LED2.config(image = logo2)
self.LED3.config(image = logo2)
self.LED4.config(image = logo2)
self.LED5.config(image = logo2)
self.LED6.config(image = logo2)
pfio.digital_write(1,0) #turn off
pfio.digital_write(2,0) #turn off
pfio.digital_write(3,0) #turn off
pfio.digital_write(4,0) #turn off
pfio.digital_write(5,0) #turn off
pfio.digital_write(6,0) #turn off
pfio.digital_write(7,0) #turn off
def convert1(self):
if a==0:
print('Please Start the Fan')
print('Fan 30% Duty Cycle')
self.button1.config(text='Fan 30% Duty Cycle')
self.LED1.config(image = logo)
pfio.digital_write(1,1) #turn on
self.LED0.config(image = logo2)
self.LED2.config(image = logo2)
self.LED3.config(image = logo2)
self.LED4.config(image = logo2)
self.LED5.config(image = logo2)
self.LED6.config(image = logo2)
pfio.digital_write(0,0) #turn off
pfio.digital_write(2,0) #turn off
pfio.digital_write(3,0) #turn off
pfio.digital_write(4,0) #turn off
pfio.digital_write(5,0) #turn off
pfio.digital_write(6,0) #turn off
pfio.digital_write(7,0) #turn off
def convert2(self):
if a==0:
print('Please Start the Fan')
print('Fan 45% Duty Cycle')
self.button2.config(text='Fan 45% Duty Cycle')
self.LED2.config(image = logo)
pfio.digital_write(2,1) #turn on
self.LED0.config(image = logo2)
self.LED1.config(image = logo2)
self.LED3.config(image = logo2)
self.LED4.config(image = logo2)
self.LED5.config(image = logo2)
self.LED6.config(image = logo2)
pfio.digital_write(0,0) #turn off
pfio.digital_write(1,0) #turn off
pfio.digital_write(3,0) #turn off
pfio.digital_write(4,0) #turn off
pfio.digital_write(5,0) #turn off
pfio.digital_write(6,0) #turn off
pfio.digital_write(7,0) #turn off
def convert3(self):
if a==0:
print('Please Start the Fan')
print('Fan 60% Duty Cycle')
self.button3.config(text='Fan 60% Duty Cycle')
self.LED3.config(image = logo)
pfio.digital_write(3,1) #turn on
self.LED0.config(image = logo2)
self.LED1.config(image = logo2)
self.LED2.config(image = logo2)
self.LED4.config(image = logo2)
self.LED5.config(image = logo2)
self.LED6.config(image = logo2)
pfio.digital_write(0,0) #turn off
pfio.digital_write(1,0) #turn off
pfio.digital_write(2,0) #turn off
pfio.digital_write(4,0) #turn off
pfio.digital_write(5,0) #turn off
pfio.digital_write(6,0) #turn off
pfio.digital_write(7,0) #turn off
def convert4(self):
if a==0:
print('Please Start the Fan')
print('Fan 75% Duty Cycle')
self.button4.config(text='Fan 75% Duty Cycle')
self.LED4.config(image = logo)
pfio.digital_write(4,1) #turn on
self.LED0.config(image = logo2)
self.LED1.config(image = logo2)
self.LED2.config(image = logo2)
self.LED3.config(image = logo2)
self.LED5.config(image = logo2)
self.LED6.config(image = logo2)
pfio.digital_write(0,0) #turn off
pfio.digital_write(1,0) #turn off
pfio.digital_write(2,0) #turn off
pfio.digital_write(3,0) #turn off
pfio.digital_write(5,0) #turn off
pfio.digital_write(6,0) #turn off
pfio.digital_write(7,0) #turn off
def convert5(self):
if a==0:
print('Please Start the Fan')
print('Fan 90% Duty Cycle')
self.button5.config(text='Fan 90% Duty Cycle')
self.LED5.config(image = logo)
pfio.digital_write(5,1) #turn on
self.LED0.config(image = logo2)
self.LED1.config(image = logo2)
self.LED2.config(image = logo2)
self.LED3.config(image = logo2)
self.LED4.config(image = logo2)
self.LED6.config(image = logo2)
pfio.digital_write(0,0) #turn off
pfio.digital_write(1,0) #turn off
pfio.digital_write(2,0) #turn off
pfio.digital_write(3,0) #turn off
pfio.digital_write(4,0) #turn off
pfio.digital_write(6,0) #turn off
pfio.digital_write(7,0) #turn off
def convert6(self):
if a==0:
print('Please Start the Fan')
print('Fan 100% Duty Cycle')
self.button6.config(text='Fan 100% Duty Cycle')
self.LED6.config(image = logo)
pfio.digital_write(6,1) #turn on
self.LED0.config(image = logo2)
self.LED1.config(image = logo2)
self.LED2.config(image = logo2)
self.LED3.config(image = logo2)
self.LED4.config(image = logo2)
self.LED5.config(image = logo2)
pfio.digital_write(0,0) #turn off
pfio.digital_write(1,0) #turn off
pfio.digital_write(2,0) #turn off
pfio.digital_write(3,0) #turn off
pfio.digital_write(4,0) #turn off
pfio.digital_write(5,0) #turn off
pfio.digital_write(7,0) #turn off
def convert7(self):
print('STOP FAN')
global a
a = 0
self.button7.config(text='STOP FAN')
pfio.digital_write(7,1) #turn on
self.LED0.config(image = logo2)
self.LED1.config(image = logo2)
self.LED2.config(image = logo2)
self.LED3.config(image = logo2)
self.LED4.config(image = logo2)
self.LED5.config(image = logo2)
self.LED6.config(image = logo2)
self.button0.config(text='Start Fan')
pfio.digital_write(0,0) #turn off
pfio.digital_write(1,0) #turn off
pfio.digital_write(2,0) #turn off
pfio.digital_write(3,0) #turn off
pfio.digital_write(4,0) #turn off
pfio.digital_write(5,0) #turn off
pfio.digital_write(6,0) #turn off
def convert8(self):
def EventsPerTime(self):
global RPM, this_time, last_time
if GPIO.input(self) > 0.5:
this_time = time.time()
RPM = (1/(this_time - last_time))*30
last_time = this_time
#print 'RPM is %d' % RPM
GPIO.add_event_detect(18, GPIO.RISING, callback=EventsPerTime, bouncetime=3)
def Tach(self):
global RPM
if RPM > 1:
print 'RPM is %d' % RPM
root = Tk()
logo2 = PhotoImage(file="/home/pi/Off LED.gif")
logo = PhotoImage(file="/home/pi/Red LED.gif")
root.wm_title('FAN PWM Control program')
app = App(root)
Here are my code changes for the PWM GUI control with displayed RPM on my Raspberry Pi. I managed to get the program running and achieve what I aimed to do due to the good feedback and help through this post and website. The code is probably no where as good or efficient as it could be so please feel free to offer suggestions of improvements.
Thank you for your help and shared knowledge.
#self.button9 = Button(frame, text='Display RPM', command=self.Tach) Stopped using this button
#self.button9.grid(row=11, column=0) Stopped using this button
self.TimerInterval = 500 #This sets the time interval between RPM readings
self.Tach() #This will start the 'Tach' method when the GUI starts
def convert0(self):
I also wrote a method for 'Tach' which used the 'after' function which will call a given function after a set interval. So I set it to call itself every 500mS.
def Tach(self):
print 'RPM is %d' % RPM
self.TACHO.config(text='RPM is %d' % RPM)
self.master.after(self.TimerInterval,self.Tach) #Used 'after' to repeat this method at the time interval
I'm not sure how to stop a 'after' function yet but I'll get to that and learn along the way.