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Cache invalidation algorithm

I'm thinking about caching dynamic content in web server. My goal is to bridge the whole processing by returning a cached HTTP response without bothering the DB (or Hibernate). This question is not about choosing between existing caching solutions; my current concern is the invalidation.

I'm sure, a time-based invalidation makes no sense at all: Whenever a user changes anything, they expect to see to the effect immediately rather than in a few seconds or even minutes. And caching for a fraction of a second is useless as there are no repeated requests for the same data in such a short period (since most of the data is user-specific).

For every data change, I get an event and can use it to invalidate everything depending on the changed data. As request happen concurrently, there are two time-related problems:

  • Invalidation may come too late and stale data may be served even to the client who changed them.
  • After the invalidation has finished, a long running request may finish and its stale data may get put into the cache.

The two problems are sort of opposite to each other. I guess, the former is easily solved by partially serializing requests from the same client using a ReadWriteLock per client. So let's forget it.

The latter is more serious as it basically means a lost invalidation and serving the stale data forever (or too long).

I can imagine a solution like repeating the invalidation after every request having started before the change happened, but this sounds rather complicated and time-consuming. I wonder if any existing caches do support this, but I'm mainly interested in how this gets done in general.


The problem is a simple race condition:

  • Request A executes a query and fetches the result
  • Request B does some changes
  • The invalidation due to B happens
  • Request A (which was delayed for whatever reason) finishes
  • The obsolete response by request A gets written into the cache


  • To solve the race condition, add a timestamp (or a counter) and check this timestamp when setting a new cache entry. This ensures that obsolete response will not be cached.

    Here's a pseudocode:

    //set new cache entry if resourceId is not cached
    //or if existing entry is stale
    function setCache(resourceId, requestTimestamp, responseData) {
        if (cache[resourceId]) {
            if (cache[resourceId].timestamp > requestTimestamp) {
                //existing entry is newer
            } else
            if (cache[resourceId].timestamp = requestTimestamp) {
                //ensure invalidation
                responseData = null;
        cache[resourceId] = {
            timestamp: requestTimestamp,
            response: responseData

    Let's say we got 2 requests for the same resource "foo":

    • Request A (received at 00:00:00.000) executes a query and fetches the result
    • Request B (received at 00:00:00.001) does some changes
    • The invalidation due to B happens by calling setCache("foo", "00:00:00.001", null)
    • Request A finishes
    • Request A calls setCache("foo", "00:00:00.000", ...) to write the obsolete response to cache but fails because the existing entry is newer

    This is just the basic mechanism, so there is room for improvements.