I'm new to the Webex API and am trying to run my first few calls. Starting with a login call, it looks to me like our REST url for that should be https://[ourSite].webex.com/[ourSite]/p.php?AT=LI
What I’m unclear about is how to authenticate. The documentation (page 2-22) doesn’t list username or password as fields that can be sent. The only field it lists as required is WID (Webex ID), which I assume is to be the authentication string? If so, how does one find this value? I do not see it in the user edit screen in site administration, which seems like the logical place for it to me. Is there some special screen I need to access for API information like this?
It would be https://sitename.webex.com/sitename/p.php?AT=LI&WID=[WebExID]
It used to allow passing account password, meeting passwords and partner IDs in the URL itself, but a security update removed that functionality, so they must be passed in an HTTP POST form. Example:
<form action="https://sitename.webex.com/sitename/p.php?AT=LI&WID=username" method="POST">
<input type="text" name="PW" value="">
<input type="submit">
Check out the blog post below for more details: