I'm trying to execute batch commands on remote machine using powershell invoke-command commandlet & able to get the output to a variable. But when I'm trying the save it to the sql server database it is storing the content as a paragraph without carriage returns.
could someone suggest me how to save this data to the database with carriage returns, so it will be in a readable format?
sample code:
$output = invoke-command -session $session -ScriptBlock {
echo '<------starting batch------->'
cd 'C:\temp\'
cmd /c 'dir'
cmd /c 'hostname'
echo '<------ending batch------>'
$formatted_output = ($output | Out-String) -replace "(.`r`n)", "`$1`r`n"
write-host $formatted_output
sample variable output:
<------starting batch------->
Volume in drive C has no label.
Volume Serial Number is 0CE1-E926
Directory of C:\temp
06/26/2017 03:17 PM <DIR> .
06/26/2017 03:17 PM <DIR> ..
08/10/2016 09:07 PM <DIR> Clt-Inst
06/07/2016 04:31 PM 56,406,016 splunkforwarder-6.4.1-debde650d26e-x64-release.msi
06/26/2017 02:44 PM 35,922,892 Windows6.0-KB968930-x64.msu
2 File(s) 92,328,908 bytes
3 Dir(s) 418,918,834,176 bytes free
<------ending batch------>
Note: The output printed in the console does have CLRF characters but when i same this variable value to the database it is saving as pasragraph. which is hard to read.
But when I'm trying the save it to the sql server database it is storing the content as a paragraph without carriage returns.
It is likely data are saved as expected but you are using SSMS to view the data. Make sure the "Retain CR/LF on copy or save" option is selected under Query-->Options-->Results--Grid.