I'm trying to get integer values, to be displayed in a listview from SQLlite using cursors but it shows the following error:
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Couldn't read row 0, col 4 from CursorWindow. Make sure the Cursor is initialized correctly before accessing data from it.
Here are my code
public ArrayList<SalesItemInformationLV> retrieveAllForlist(Context c)
ArrayList<SalesItemInformationLV> items = new ArrayList<SalesItemInformationLV>();
Cursor myCursor;
String mystring = "";
MyDbAdapter db = new MyDbAdapter(c);
myCursor = db.retrieveAllEntriesCursor();
if (myCursor != null && myCursor.getCount() > 0)
do {
items.add(new SalesItemInformationLV(myCursor.getString(db.COLUMN_NAME_ID), myCursor.getInt(db.COLUMN_QTYSOLD_ID)));
} while (myCursor.moveToNext());
return items;
private SQLiteDatabase _db;
private final Context context;
public static final String KEY_ID = "_id";
public static final int COLUMN_KEY_ID = 0;
public static final String ENTRY_NAME = "entry_name";
public static final int COLUMN_NAME_ID = 1;
public static final String ENTRY_QTYSOLD = "entry_qtysold";
public static final int COLUMN_QTYSOLD_ID = 4;
private MyDBOpenHelper dbHelper;
//private MyDBOpenHelper dbHelper2;
public MyDbAdapter(Context _context)
this.context = _context;
//step 16 - create MyDBOpenHelper object
dbHelper = new MyDBOpenHelper(context, DATABASE_NAMEA, null, DATABASE_VERSION);
//dbHelper2 = new MyDBOpenHelper(context, DATABASE_NAME2, null, DATABASE_VERSION);
public Cursor retrieveAllEntriesCursor() {
//step 21 - retrieve all records from table
Cursor c = null;
try {
c = _db.query(DATABASE_TABLE, new String[] {KEY_ID, ENTRY_NAME}, null, null, null, null, null);
catch (SQLiteException e)
Log.w(MYDBADAPTER_LOG_CAT, "Retrieve fail!");
return c;
I suspect the error comes from MyItems.java, but I'm having a hard time figuring out what's the error.
Seems like you are fetching only 2 columns(KEY_ID, ENTRY_NAME
) from database and while reading you are expecting 3 columns.
c = _db.query(DATABASE_TABLE, new String[] {KEY_ID, ENTRY_NAME}, null, null, null, null, null);
You are trying to get value from column 4, which is throuing an error.
public static final int COLUMN_QTYSOLD_ID = 4;