I have a batch file that imports a delimited text file into SQL Server using BCP
, runs some processing using SQLCMD
, and then outputs the processed data via BCP
. It currently gives a string of Chinese characters instead of a delimited text table. The weird thing is that it was working two days ago and I haven't changed anything.
I've confirmed that the input BCP and SQL Server processing steps work; the SQL Server table that holds the data for output is correct. I also tried using the -C
option to specify a codepage as suggested here, with no change.
Here's the BCP code in question. I've split the lines for readability, the actual code is on one line as normal. It's using union all
to put the column names at the top of the file.
,'column name 2'
,[rest of the column names]
union all
select distinct
iif(r.MRN is not null, cast(r.MRN as varchar), '') as MRN
,[rest of the columns]
from DATA_MANAGEMENT.dbo.Daily_inpat_out as d
left join DATA_MANAGEMENT.dbo.Roster_all_match as r
on d.Subscriber_ID = r.SUB_ID
queryout "L:\Data_Management\Import_data\Daily_inpat\inpat_out_%mydate%_%mytime%.txt"
-c -S [servername] -U [user] -P [password] -t "|"
Here's the first part of the Chinese character output, the full string is much longer:
Edit to add:
As mentioned in the comments the problem occurs in Notepad but displays correctly in other applications (Word, Excel, Notepad++), so this is an encoding issue. I'm am still hoping to understand the cause of the issue and how to fix it.
This is caused by a coincidental arrangement of bytes at the front of the text file that convinces Notepad that the data is actually an Unicode double-byte text file. Theoretically, you could place a set of characters there that convince the parser that the data is actually ASCII, but that would change the format of the output.
Your best bets are, in order of ease of implementation:
There is no guaranteed way to prevent this from happening when using Notepad to view text files. The best you can do is to try and minimize the issue, or use a different format for the final output.