This seems to be an interesting bug/problem I am facing. I am using Impala and HUE which comes under CDH 5.8 (Cloudera Distribution for Hadoop).
On executing the below code
select '1709.02.02' as DateString, CAST((from_unixtime(UNIX_TIMESTAMP('1709.02.02','yyyy.MM.dd'))) as TIMESTAMP) as DateTimestamp
I get output as follows (which is expected)
datestring datetimestamp
1709.02.02 1709-02-02 00:00:00
But on executing the code below
select '1009.02.02' as DateString, CAST((from_unixtime(UNIX_TIMESTAMP('1009.02.02','yyyy.MM.dd'))) as TIMESTAMP) as DateTimestamp
The output displayed is as follows (which is not expected):
datestring datetimestamp
1009.02.02 NULL
Can someone kindly shed a light as to why this is happening and/or suggest a possible way-around?
PS: It seems to work fine if the above query is run in Hive. But in Impala we are getting NULL values.
Impala only supports TIMESTAMPs within the years 1400 to 9999, so any TIMESTAMP values outside of those ranges will be NULL.