I have built a max heap and trying to extract max as long as there are elements. If there isn't I'm returning an IndexError. This the code I'm trying to execute:
while True:
print hp.extract_max()
and in the extract_max() method:
def extract_max(self):
if self.size == 0:
return IndexError
item = self.items[0]
self.items[0] = self.items[self.size - 1]
del self.items[len(self.items) - 1]
return item
However, the code is not breaking upon encountering an IndexError, rather printing it too. The while loop is not breaking.
<type 'exceptions.IndexError'>
<type 'exceptions.IndexError'>
it keeps printing the exception, without breaking the loop.
What's the problem?
You should be raising an exception, not returning it. Do raise IndexError