Unfortunately there is not an official Go Datadog API. I am currently using this one instead https://github.com/zorkian/go-datadog-api. Datadog forked the first version of it and recommend using it.
I am able to connect to my Dashboard:
client := datadog.NewClient("...", "...")
dash, err := client.GetDashboard(...)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("fatal: %s\n", err)
But I do not know how to send create/track an event. This is my current approach but if fails badly.
c := datadog.Client{}
title := "Abc"
e := datadog.Event{ Title: &title }
From my understanding and the missing documentation, I would have to fill out some of these variables in this struct (https://github.com/zorkian/go-datadog-api/blob/master/events.go)
// Event is a single event.
// all fields will be filled out.
type Event struct {
Id *int `json:"id,omitempty"`
Title *string `json:"title,omitempty"`
Text *string `json:"text,omitempty"`
Time *int `json:"date_happened,omitempty"` // UNIX time.
Priority *string `json:"priority,omitempty"`
AlertType *string `json:"alert_type,omitempty"`
Host *string `json:"host,omitempty"`
Aggregation *string `json:"aggregation_key,omitempty"`
SourceType *string `json:"source_type_name,omitempty"`
Tags []string `json:"tags,omitempty"`
Url *string `json:"url,omitempty"`
Resource *string `json:"resource,omitempty"`
EventType *string `json:"event_type,omitempty"`
Can you please help me with that?
In the code you posted:
c := datadog.Client{}
This seems to be creating an empty client object.
Shouldn't you be creating a client with your keys using datadog.NewClient("...", "...")
as in the first code snippet you posted?
c := datadog.NewClient("...", "...")
Also, you should check the error returned as that will give you more hints to troubleshoot the issue:
_, err := c.PostEvent(&e)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("fatal: %s\n", err)