I am using Qt VirtualKeyboard on a raspberry pi and it is working fine for most part but when the keyboard appears, it is shown as:
Now there is this smiley face key on the bottom right and I am not sure what I need to do to get rid of it. I copied a style file which I can load but it does not seem to appear anywhere in the style description. I also looked in the textfield qml hints here (http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qml-qtquick-controls-textfield.html#inputMethodHints-prop) and it does not seem to have anything.
I think you need to remove the Key
from the last KeyboardRow
in symbols.qml:
Key {
key: 0xE000
text: ":-)"
alternativeKeys: [ ";-)", ":-)", ":-D", ":-(", "<3" ]
Then the code will look like this:
KeyboardRow {
keyWeight: 154
SymbolModeKey {
weight: 217
displayText: "ABC"
ChangeLanguageKey {
weight: 154
SpaceKey {
weight: 864
Key {
key: Qt.Key_Period
text: "."
alternativeKeys: ".,"
HideKeyboardKey {
weight: 204
You may also need to ajust the weight
properties if the keys look too big or small afterwards.