I recently learned about GADTs
and their notation:
data Maybe a where
Nothing :: Maybe a
Just :: a -> Maybe a
data Either a b where
Left :: a -> Either a b
Right :: b -> Either a b
data Bool where
False :: Bool
True :: Bool
Now I noticed a similiarity to functions like bool
, and either
, which is basically just like the GADT
Type -> (the letter of step 2)
maybe :: b -> (a -> b) -> Maybe a -> b
either :: (a -> c) -> (b -> c) -> Either a b -> c
bool :: a -> a -> Bool -> a
This also includes foldr
, but I noticed that e.g. Tuple doesn't have such a function, though you could easily define it:
tuple :: (a -> b -> c) -> (a,b) -> c
tuple f (x,y) = f x y
What is this pattern? It seems to me these functions alleviate the need for pattern matching (because they give a general way for each case) and thus every function operating on the type can be defined in terms of this function.
First, the types you mention are not really GADTs, they are plain ADTs, since the return type of each constructor is always T a
. A proper GADT would be something like
data T a where
K1 :: T Bool -- not T a
Anyway, the technique you mention is a well known method to encode algebraic data types into (polymorphic) functions. It goes under many names, like Church encoding, Boehm-Berarducci encoding, endcoding as a catamorphism, etc. Sometimes the Yoneda lemma is used to justify this approach, but there's no need to understand the category-theoretic machinery to understand the method.
Basically, the idea is the following. All the ADTs can be generated by
(,) a b
Either a b
a -> b
(rarely used in Haskell, but theoretically nice)Integer
, ...)Type level recursion is used when some value constructor takes the type which is being defined as an argument. The classic example is Peano-style naturals:
data Nat where
O :: Nat
S :: Nat -> Nat
-- ^^^ recursive!
Lists are also common:
data List a where
Nil :: List a
Cons :: a -> List a -> List a
-- ^^^^^^ recursive!
Types like Maybe a
, pairs, etc. are non recursive.
Note that each ADT, recursive or not, can be reduced to a single constructor with a sigle argument, by summing (Either
) over all the constructors, and multiplying all the arguments. For instance, Nat
is isomorphic to
data Nat1 where
O1 :: () -> Nat
S1 :: Nat -> Nat
which is isomorphic to
data Nat2 where K2 :: (Either () Nat) -> Nat
Lists become
data List1 a where K1 :: (Either () (a, List a)) -> List a
The steps above make use of the algebra of types, which makes the sum and products of types obey the same rules as high school algebra, while a -> b
behaves like the exponential b^a
Hence, we can write any ADT in the form
-- pseudo code
data T where
K :: F T -> T
type F k = .....
For instance
type F_Nat k = Either () k -- for T = Nat
type F_List_a k = Either () (a, k) -- for T = List a
(Note that the latter type function F
depends on a
, but it's not important right now.)
Non recursive types will not use k
type F_Maybe_a k = Either () a -- for T = Maybe a
Note that constructor K
above makes the type T
isomorphic to F T
(let's ignore the lifting / extra bottom introduced by it). Essentially, we have that
Nat ~= F Nat = Either () Nat
List a ~= F (List a) = Either () (a, List a)
Maybe a ~= F (Maybe a) = Either () a
We can even formalize this further by abstracting from F
newtype Fix f = Fix { unFix :: f (Fix f) }
By definition Fix F
will now be isomorphic to F (Fix F)
. We could let
type Nat = Fix F_Nat
(In Haskell, we need a newtype wrapper around F_Nat
, which I omit for clarity.)
Finally, the general encoding, or catamorphism, is:
cata :: (F k -> k) -> Fix F -> k
This assumes that F
is a functor.
For Nat
, we get
cata :: (Either () k -> k) -> Nat -> k
-- isomorphic to
cata :: (() -> k, k -> k) -> Nat -> k
-- isomorphic to
cata :: (k, k -> k) -> Nat -> k
-- isomorphic to
cata :: k -> (k -> k) -> Nat -> k
Note the "high school albegra" steps, where k^(1+k) = k^1 * k^k
, hence Either () k -> k ~= (() -> k, k -> k)
Note that we get two arguments, k
and k->k
which correspond to O
and S
. This is not a coincidence -- we summed over all the constructors. This means that cata
expects to be passed the value of type k
which "plays the role of O
" there, and then the value of type k -> k
which plays the role of S
More informally, cata
is telling us that, if we want to map a natural in k
, we only have to state what is the "zero" inside k
and how to take the "successor" in k
, and then every Nat
can be mapped consequently.
For lists we get:
cata :: (Either () (a, k) -> k) -> List a -> k
-- isomorphic to
cata :: (() -> k, (a, k) -> k) -> List a -> k
-- isomorphic to
cata :: (k, a -> k -> k) -> List a -> k
-- isomorphic to
cata :: k -> (a -> k -> k) -> List a -> k
which is foldr
Again, this is cata
telling us that, if we state how to take the "empty list" in k
and to "cons" a
and k
inside k
, we can map any list in k
Maybe a
is the same:
cata :: (Either () a -> k) -> Maybe a -> k
-- isomorphic to
cata :: (() -> k, a -> k) -> Maybe a -> k
-- isomorphic to
cata :: (k, a -> k) -> Maybe a -> k
-- isomorphic to
cata :: k -> (a -> k) -> Maybe a -> k
If we can map Nothing
in k
, and perform Just
mapping a
in k
, the we can map any Maybe a
in k
If we try to apply the same approach to Bool
and (a,b)
we reach the functions which were posted in the questions.
More advanced theoretical topics to look up: