I'm wondering how to launch a framework (e.g. a docker app) via Mesos' REST API? I just checked all the HTTP endpoints. But I don't see anything helpful.
The reason for this question is that, I've tried Marathon, which just need a Mesos master's address, and we can launch a framework over Mesos via Marathon's REST API.
I think Marathon takes advantages over Mesos's API. But I don't want to involve Marathon. I want to launch a framework directly via Mesos REST API. Could someone please help? What's the best approach?
Like Tobi say, you can use Mesos Scheduler API to communicate with Mesos master wihtout Marathon.
You just need write a Mesos scheduler, Mesos have default docker excutor.
For your own framework, you need to Send a SUBSCRIBE json to Mesos Master to register. then, you would receive offer EVENT. user offer id, you send ACCEPT msg, you would lanch your application.