I am using spring data rest with repositories, db is mysql.
I have objects Parent and child. Relationship is Many to one .
child to Parent relationship is unidirectional. I do not have List of child obj inside Parent.
@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
protected Long id = null;
@NotNull(message = "name of user should not be null")
@Size(min=2, max=30)
private String name;
private String name;
private Parent parent;
I have an parent "1" and i want to refer it to newly creating child. The json input for new child "POST" req is
"name":"child name",
Need help in associating parent "1" in newly creating child.
Is there any changes required in json format? I tried with "parent_id" as well but still having error.
Since spring-data-rest uses HATEOAS. The following format worked.
"parent": "http://localhost:8080/parent/2"
Thanks to all who tried to answer.