I have some old excel templates I am trying to replicate, the way they're set up aren't ideal but I using them as an exercise.
In the excel tables there is a column that looks like this:
|--Week and dates--|
|Week 291214_040115|
|Week 050115_110115|
|Week 120115_180115|
|Week 030717_090717|
|Week 100717_160717|
With the code below I tried to recreate the above but I have run into several problems.
Declare @sDate date,
@eDate date;
Select @sDate = '2015-01-01',
@eDate = '2017-07-31';
;with cte as
select @sDate StartDate,
DATEADD(wk, DATEDIFF(wk, 0, @sDate), 6) EndDate
union all
select dateadd(ww, 1, StartDate),
dateadd(ww, 1, EndDate)
from cte
where dateadd(ww, 1, StartDate)<= @eDate
select concat(StartDate,'_',EndDate) as date
from cte
The output this produces is:
|2015-01-01_Jan 4 2015 12:00AM|
|2015-01-08_Jan 11 2015 12:00AM|
|2015-01-15_Jan 18 2015 12:00AM|
|2015-01-22_Jan 25 2015 12:00AM|
|2015-01-29_Feb 1 2015 12:00AM|
|2015-02-05_Feb 8 2015 12:00AM|
I haven't concatenated the string "week" into the script yet, but basically how to I get the script to look more like the excel template table and less like my own version.
You can change your select as below:
select concat('Week ',Format(StartDate, 'ddMMyy'),'_',Format(dateadd(day,6,StartDate),'ddMMyy')) as date
from cte