I have a query parameter called modifiedDate defined as date-only in the RAML file but when I look in the Mule debugger I see the modifiedDate 2001-10-10 as a string data type.
type: date-only
example: "2001-10-10
This is causing me a problem as when I call SQL Server stored procedure it is returning the error "Cannot convert NVARCHAR to Date".
I need to pass the modifiedDate to SQL Server in the format YYYY-MM-DD and as a Date datatype for this to work but I am also have problems converting it to a date datatype in Mule.
How can I change 2001-10-10 into a date datatype and keep the value the same?
I am using Anypoint Studio 6.2.2 and Mule 3.8.3.
There are a couple of ways to parse a string as a date in mule
%dw 1.0
%output application/java
"modifiedDate" : inboundProperties.'http.query.params'['modifiedDate'] as :date
will work without having to specify the date format
payload['modDate'] =
Date.parse("yyyy-MM-dd", message.getInboundProperty('http.query.params')['modifiedDate']);
Both of these will convert the value into a java.util.Date