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Looping Master or Scene and restoring original position of elements

I try to loop a complete header animation endlessly, but I just cannot get it to work:

I tried to loop the master like this:

var master = new TimelineMax({repeat:-1});

Then I tried the same solution on the single scene I'm using:

  function sceneOne() {
    var tl = new TimelineMax({repeat:-1});

I also tried several solutions with oncomplete callbacks.

I finally had some experiments with;
timeline.pause(0); //shortcut for the line above

inside my scene. Didn't help.

Can somebody point me in the right direction? I cannot find any error in my code.


  • It is the entry_heroes section that is causing the problem as it has itself a repeat: -1 that means that the section never ends and so the whole timeline never finishes and thus does not repeat.