If I do not to want to create a new container in order to do so?
I've written a snippet to do that for debugging. For example:
std::stack<int> s; // works with std::queue also!
std::cout << s; // [ 1, 2 ]
Please forgive me for this hackish code! but this is what I've written months ago:
#include <stack>
#include <queue>
#include <ostream>
template <class Container, class Stream>
Stream& printOneValueContainer
(Stream& outputstream, const Container& container)
typename Container::const_iterator beg = container.begin();
outputstream << "[";
while(beg != container.end())
outputstream << " " << *beg++;
outputstream << " ]";
return outputstream;
template < class Type, class Container >
const Container& container
(const std::stack<Type, Container>& stack)
struct HackedStack : private std::stack<Type, Container>
static const Container& container
(const std::stack<Type, Container>& stack)
return stack.*&HackedStack::c;
return HackedStack::container(stack);
template < class Type, class Container >
const Container& container
(const std::queue<Type, Container>& queue)
struct HackedQueue : private std::queue<Type, Container>
static const Container& container
(const std::queue<Type, Container>& queue)
return queue.*&HackedQueue::c;
return HackedQueue::container(queue);
< class Type
, template <class Type, class Container = std::deque<Type> > class Adapter
, class Stream
Stream& operator<<
(Stream& outputstream, const Adapter<Type>& adapter)
return printOneValueContainer(outputstream, container(adapter));
You can stream std::stack
and std::queue
just like any other supported type!