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How to convert rds format data into shp format in R?

I have a map data whose format is rds. Now I want to use this data in another software which asks for shp format. How to convert rds format data into shp format in R?


  • If it is spatial object saved as a R-specific binary file of "Serialization Interface for Single Objects" type (see ?readRDS) probably created at some point by saveRDS(), read your file with

    x <- readRDS("path/to/the/rds_file.rds")

    and then write it with:

    rgdal::writeOGR(x, "path/to/destination", "filename", driver = "ESRI Shapefile")

    Be sure not to put ".shp" at the end of your output filename.

    Also be sure not to put a / at the end of the destination folder. Otherwise you might face the error

    Creation of output file failed

    When the error

    Error: inherits(obj, "Spatial") is not TRUE

    you might have forgotten the x as the first argument in the writeOGR function.