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Avoid boilerplate code when initializing collection properties in c#

Is there a way to avoid writing exactly the same type twice when initializing properties (or fields) in c#? (something similar to diamond operator in Java would do..)

For example, lets say I have this code:

private readonly Dictionary<string, ISomething> _dict = 
                  new Dictionary<string, ISomething>();

Is there a way to avoid writing the type Dictionary<string, ISomething>() or part of it twice?

Please note that the type is already defined as Dictionary, not IDictionary..


  • No, there's nothing like that in C# at the moment. The obvious potential fix would be to allow fields to be declared using var, but that's more complicated than it may sound.

    I'd be somewhat surprised to see anything like Java's "diamond operator" appear in C#, but I've been surprised before...

    If you're really trying to avoid the typing then I'd expect Visual Studio to help offer to complete the assignment after you type new. (Personally I don't view typing as the main bottleneck when coding anyway, but...)