I want to animate to a SVG and delay to any elements. Please see this link and lion SVG. The animation of this is simple but to delay to any path is very Time consuming.
It is pretty simple to recreate this effect.
I didn't check to see how that site did it, but this is how I would do it.
Firstly we need an SVG where all the paths are in a group (<g>
<g id="anim">
<!-- path elements in here -->
On page load, we set a transform on the group that moves it (an all the paths) off the side of the SVG.
group.setAttribute("transform", "translate(-100, 0)");
Then, for the animation, we loop through all the <path>
elements one by one (with a delay) adding a class that uses a transform
to move the paths back on screen.
transition: transform 1s ease-out;
transform: translateX(100px); /* 100 = width of viewBox */
The transition causes the path to slide in smoothly.
Working demo
var group = document.getElementById("anim");
// Generate a lot of test paths in our SVG.
// This is just for the demo as an alternative to having a big SVG in our snippet.
for (var i=0; i<100; i++) {
path = document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "path");
var r1 = 5 + Math.random() * 45;
var r2 = 5 + Math.random() * 45;
var a1 = Math.random() * 2 * Math.PI;
var a2 = a1 + (Math.random() - 0.5);
path.setAttribute("d", [
'M', 50 + Math.cos(a1) * r1, 50 + Math.sin(a1) * r1,
'L', 50 + Math.cos(a2) * r2, 50 + Math.sin(a2) * r2,
].join(' '));
// Add a transform to the<svg> root element to move all the child
// elements off the left edge of the SVG where we want them to start.
// The value 100 represents the width of the viewBox.
group.setAttribute("transform", "translate(-100, 0)");
// For our animation, just loop through all paths, adding the
// "onto-screen-anim" class that moves them back into view.
var INTER_PATH_DELAY = 16; // 10 milliseconds
var allPaths = group.querySelectorAll("path");
var itemNum = 0;
function startOnePathMoving() {
// Add the class that moves the path onto screen
// if there are paths left, then call this function again
// after a short delay to start the next one moving
if (itemNum < allPaths.length)
setTimeout(startOnePathMoving, INTER_PATH_DELAY);
// Start the first timeout to get the animation started
setTimeout(startOnePathMoving, INTER_PATH_DELAY);
/* Make sure the paths that are off the SVG can't be seen */
svg {
overflow: hidden;
/* The class that moves the paths back onto screen */
transition: transform 1s ease-out;
transform: translateX(100px); /* 100 = width of viewBox */
/* Styling for our demo paths. You can ignore this for a real SVG */
path {
fill: none;
stroke: grey;
stroke-width: 0.5;
<svg width="400" height="400" viewBox="0 0 100 100">
<g id="anim"></g>