Is there a standard method that does this, or do I have to get every cookie from the CookieContainer using reflection, manually check them, and then add them to a new CookieContainer?
You can add a Cookie or CookieCollection to another CookieCollection using CookieCollection.Add. If a cookie added has the same name as a pre-existing cookie in the collection the pre-existing cookie will be replaced with the new cookie.
CookieCollection my_cookies = new CookieCollection();
my_cookies.Add(new Cookie("id", "old_id_value"));
CookieCollection new_cookies = new CookieCollection();
new_cookies.Add(new Cookie("id", "new_id_value"));
foreach(Cookie c in my_cookies)
Console.WriteLine(c.Name + ": " + c.Value);
// prints "id: new_id_value"