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Using theme on Asp Net Core with Angular 4 project || ASP.NET Zero

I am new on Angular and trying to use it on Asp Net Core project. However; I could not find a good template to start with. Also, I could not put Angular 4 templates into existing ASP Net Core & Angular templatepack . File structures made me crazy! Asp Net Zero is a good starter kit but I cannot afford it. I have made a good research on google, but I could not get a good answer. Is there any other templates or starter kits, obviously, less professional to take me start to code in Angular with Asp Net Core? Thanks for answers!


  • I have found the Yeoman ASP.NET Core Single-Page App generator (generator-aspnetcore-spa) to be a good starting point.

    npm install npm@latest -g
    npm install -g yo
    npm install -g yo generator-aspnetcore-spa
    yo aspnetcore-spa

    Telerik has a nice howto:

    *The above howto says Angular 2, however the generator is updated to 4.