I need to access data in nested json array of objects to be able to manipulate it further , using javascriptserializer in vb.net 4.0.
Here's the example string:
json: {"multicast_id":216,"success":3,"failure":3,"canonical_ids":1,"results":[{"message_id":"1:0408"},{"errord":"Unavailable"}]}
And here's the code I've written so far:
Class main
Public Property multicast_id As Integer
Public Property success As Integer
Public Property failure As Integer
Public Property canonical_ids As Integer
Public Property results As Results()
End Class
Class Results
Public Property message_id As String
Public Property errord As String
End Class
Public Class Form1
Private Sub btnTest_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnTest.Click
Dim json As String
json = txtInsert.Text
Dim ser As JavaScriptSerializer = New JavaScriptSerializer()
Dim exmp As main = New main
exmp = ser.Deserialize(Of main)(json)
For Each item As Object In exmp.results
For Each example As String In item
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End Sub
End Class
I'm getting an error on the inner for each statement. If anyone could help me out with this, I'd really appreciate it.
You are getting the nested object correctly.
Instead your issue that once you get that nested object you are trying to use For Each
to get each string property of that result. That is invalid.
For example, this doesn't work because Results
does not implement IEnumerable so you can't use For Each
on in:
Dim r as new Results();
r.message_id = "1:0408"
r.errord = "Unavailable"
For Each example As String In r ' <- this will throw an error
Once you have a reference to the Results
you then need to access it by property name:
For Each item As Results In exmp.results
Console.WriteLine("message_id: {0}", item.message_id)
Console.WriteLine("errord: {0}", item.errord)
If you need to access the properties by name, then change Results to a different type.
For example, you can define results as an array of Dictionary(of String, Object)
like this:
Class main
Public Property multicast_id As Integer
Public Property success As Integer
Public Property failure As Integer
Public Property canonical_ids As Integer
Public Property results As Dictionary(Of String, Object)()
End Class
Then your can use:
For Each item As Object In exmp.results 'item will be a Dictionary(Of String, Object)
For Each example As Object In item ' example will be a KeyValuePari(Of String, Object)
Or by name like this:
For Each item As Object In exmp.results 'item will be a Dictionary(Of String, Object)