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Hazelcast Session Replciation With Spring Boot

Am following this documentation for Hazelcast based session replication in a Spring Boot APP.

The code works fine when a local Hazelcast node gets created from spring boot however what i need is a Hazelcast client code to connect to standalone cluster and do the replication and return back the Session ID as a header in "x-auth-header " field.

Client code is something like this

   ClientConfig clientConfig = new ClientConfig();

I am able to get it working with a WEB Filter but it stores the value as cookie and what i need is the header strategy to work.

I couldn't find any documenation or help to acheive it using a Hazelcast client. Can some one please guide me on how to do it.

Thanks Aravind


  • Do you have

    public HeaderHttpSessionStrategy sessionStrategy() {
      return new HeaderHttpSessionStrategy();

    If everything else is working, this should be all you need