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using realloc for high performance with an array of structs

I am using realloc to adjust the size of an array of structs containing 3 points x, y and z. This struct is encapsulated inside another struct that contains the array, the length of the array and a "reserved" value that is used for a pre-allocation strategy for even faster performance when it is evident that more structs of points will be appended to the struct array.
I am compiling with a Makefile that looks like this:

CFLAGS = -g -Wall
LIBS = -lm

default: echo "You must specify a target, e.g. file1, file2" 

    gcc $(CFLAGS) -o $@ test.c file2.c $(LIBS)

I have a function to initialize an empty array structure, one to reset the array to be empty and free any dynamically allocated memory, one to append a point to the end of the array and one to remove a point designated by the index value.

I am getting two errors that I cannot find the cause of. One is that my code returns a non-zero status code of 1 and the other is the length seems to be off by one when I append a few thousand points.
I am letting the append function do all the work but if I should be allocating dynamic memory in initialization, please tell me so. I am pretty sure that my reset and remove functions are working as they are supposed to. Please take a look at append as well.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <assert.h>

typedef struct point
  int x, y, z;
} point_t;

typedef struct 
  // number of points in the array
  size_t len;

  // pointer to an array of point_t structs

  point_t* points;

  size_t reserved; 

} point_array_t;

void point_array_initial( point_array_t* pa )
    pa->len = 0;
    pa->reserved = 0;

void point_array_reset( point_array_t* pa )
{//just free the array and set pa to NULL


    pa->points = memset(pa->points, 0, sizeof(point_t)*(pa->len));
    pa->len = 0;

int point_array_append( point_array_t* pa, point_t* p )

    if(pa == NULL)//something wrong with intialization or reset
        return 1;
    if(p == NULL)//nothing to append
        return 1;
    //append the first point 
    if(pa->len == 0)
        pa->points = malloc(sizeof(point_t)* (pa->reserved));
        if(pa->points == NULL)//malloc failed
            return 1;

        pa->points[pa->len-1].x = p->x;
        pa->points[pa->len-1].y = p->y;
        pa->points[pa->len-1].z = p->z;

    if (pa->reserved > pa->len )
        pa->points[pa->len-1].x = p->x;//insert at index 0
        pa->points[pa->len-1].y = p->y;
        pa->points[pa->len-1].z = p->z;

    //when we run out of space in reserved (len has caught up)
    else if(pa->reserved == pa->len)
        pa->points=realloc(pa->points, sizeof(point_t)*(pa->reserved));//doubling size of array
        pa->points[pa->len-1].x = p->x;//TODO: change formula to find insertion point
        pa->points[pa->len-1].y = p->y;
        pa->points[pa->len-1].z = p->z;

    return 0;

int point_array_remove( point_array_t* pa, unsigned int i )

    if (i >= pa->len)//out of bounds
        return 1;

    if(pa->len==0)//0 elements trying to remove from empty array
        return 1;
    else if(pa->len ==1)//remove only element
        pa->len-=1;//no copying required, just shorten
        pa->points=realloc(pa->points, sizeof(point_t)*(pa->len));
    else//array size is longer than 1 or 0
        pa->points[i].x = pa->points[pa->len-1].x;
        pa->points[i].y = pa->points[pa->len-1].y;
        pa->points[i].z = pa->points[pa->len-1].z;  
        pa->len-= 1;//shorten array size
        pa->reserved = pa->len*2;
        pa->points=realloc(pa->points, sizeof(point_t)*(pa->len));//could reallocate for reserve here to increase speed.

    return 0;


  • an else is missing after the if(pa->len == 0) body in the append function: the first point is appended twice.

    Note that you have too many special cases in this function. It can be simplified into just a one test: if the array is too small, reallocate it, and append the point.

    Other simplifications are possible:

    • the test if (pa->len == 0)//0 elements trying to remove from empty array is redundant with the previous one.

    • take advantage of the fact that realloc(NULL, size) is equivalent to malloc(size) and realloc(p, 0) to free(p), and free(NULL) is OK.

    • beware that realloc() may fail, even when shrinking the block.

    • you should only shrink the array when it becomes too sparse, not for every call to point_array_remove.

    Here is a simpler version:

    #include <assert.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    typedef struct point {
        int x, y, z;
    } point_t;
    typedef struct {
        size_t len;      // number of valid points in the array
        size_t reserved; // allocated number of points in the array
        point_t *points; // pointer to an array of point_t structs
    } point_array_t;
    void point_array_initial(point_array_t *pa) {
        pa->len = 0;
        pa->reserved = 0;
        pa->points = NULL;
    void point_array_reset(point_array_t *pa) {
        pa->len = 0;
        pa->reserved = 0;
        pa->points = NULL;
    int point_array_append(point_array_t *pa, const point_t *p) {
        point_t *points;
        // no need to test pa nor p, asserts would already abort
        points = pa->points;
        if (pa->len >= pa->reserved || points == NULL) {
            // reallocate of points array is too small
            size_t newsize = pa->reserved;
            if (newsize < pa->len)
                newsize = pa->len;
            if (newsize < 1)
                newsize = 1;
            newsize += newsize;
            points = realloc(points, newsize * sizeof(*points);
            if (points == NULL)
                return 1;
            pa->points = points;
            pa->reserved = newsize;
        // append point structure
        points[pa->len++] = *p;
        return 0;
    int point_array_remove(point_array_t *pa, unsigned int i) {
        point_t *points;
        if (i >= pa->len || pa->points == NULL) { //out of bounds or invalid array
            return 1;
        if (pa->len - i > 1) {
            memmove(&pa->points + i, &pa->points + i + 1,
                    sizeof(*pa->points) * (pa->len - i - 1));
        if (pa->reserved >= pa->len * 3) {
            size_t newsize = pa->len * 2;
            // shorten the array with care.
            // note that the array will be freed when it becomes empty
            // no special case needed.
            points = realloc(pa->points, sizeof(*points) * newsize);
            if (points != NULL) {
                pa->points = points;
                pa->reserved = newsize;
        return 0;