I have a TableView with some cells that has a buttom to Begin an Activityindicator, and it updates that cell, but I'm trying to finish my ActivityIndicator only when the reloadData() has finished, but with the answers that I saw with dispatch_async, isn't working because the Indicator finish first, then it updates The TableView
DispatchQueue.main.async(execute: {
//From here
self.initOrEndMed = false
let myAlert = UIAlertController(title: "Alerta", message: "Tratamento finalizado", preferredStyle: UIAlertControllerStyle.alert)
let okAction = UIAlertAction(title: "Ok", style: UIAlertActionStyle.cancel, handler: {(alert: UIAlertAction!) -> Void in
self.loadingView(loadingText: "", on: false)
self.present(myAlert, animated: true, completion: nil)
//To here i want to do after reloadData has finished
This is my loadingView()
func loadingView(loadingText: String, on: Bool) {
self.labelForLoad.text = loadingText
self.labelForLoad.textAlignment = .center
self.labelForLoad.numberOfLines = 2
self.labelForLoad.textColor = UIColor(red:0.24, green:0.69, blue:1.00, alpha:1.0)
self.labelForLoad.center = CGPoint(x: activityIndicator.center.x, y: activityIndicator.center.y + 40)
self.overlay.center = CGPoint(x: self.view.bounds.midX, y: self.view.bounds.midY)
if on {
UIView.beginAnimations(nil, context: nil)
overlay.alpha = overlay.alpha > 0 ? 0 : 0.95
self.view.isUserInteractionEnabled = false
} else {
self.view.isUserInteractionEnabled = true
overlay.alpha = 0
There isn't any method which will tell you that UITableView has finished loading all cells. A workaround is to check if indexPath.row is last item in your data set when you get this dataSource callback -
tableView(UITableView, cellForRowAt: IndexPath)
and then call loadingView() from within cellForRowAt: method.