I've written a function that adds hrefs to an alphabetical navigation bar. I made it so each letter section gives itself an ID. I want to make it so in the event there isn't for example a "C" section, I could add a class to the link linking to #c that would disable it. Here's what I have so far:
<ul class="no-bullet inline">
<li><a class="scroller"><strong>A</strong></a></li>
<li><a class="scroller"><strong>B</strong></a></li>
<li><a class="scroller"><strong>C</strong></a></li>
<div class="space-above space-below letter-section">
<h4 class="alpha-heading"><strong>A</strong></h4>
<ul class="no-bullet">
<li><a class="naming" href="#">Benny Goodman</a></li>
<li><a class="naming" href="#">Benny Goodman</a></li>
<li><a class="naming" href="#">Benny Goodman</a></li>
<div class="space-above space-below letter-section">
<h4 class="alpha-heading"><strong>A</strong></h4>
<ul class="no-bullet">
<li><a class="naming" href="#">Benny Goodman</a></li>
<li><a class="naming" href="#">Benny Goodman</a></li>
<li><a class="naming" href="#">Benny Goodman</a></li>
function alphaLink() {
var alphaLink = $(this);
var alphaLinkRef = "#" + alphaLink.text().toLowerCase();
$(alphaLink).attr("href", alphaLinkRef);
//assigns each content section an ID
function alphaID() {
var section = $(this);
var sectionID = section.text().toLowerCase();
$(section).attr("ID", sectionID);
linkMatch function(){
var link = $(this);
if(link.length <= 0) {
I took Jeremiah's code and altered it slightly to do what I needed it to do. Thanks so much for all the answers- here was the final product:
function findID(ID) {
var exists = false;
if ($(ID).length > 0) {
exists = true;
return exists;
function matchLink() {
var href = $(this).attr('href');
if (!findID(href)) {
// Doesn't exist