If I have a tab delimeted data file input.dat with a format like:
#id acct name city age
12 100290 Sally San Francisco 24
15 102911 Jerry Sacramento 40
99 102134 Amir Eureka 82
Can I use cut(1)
or something similar to run multiple processing functions ex:( lookup_id, scrub_acct, scrub_name, lookup_city, scrub_age
) per field as the data runs through a pipe?
It's easy to do this with one field:
cat input.dat | cut -f1 | lookup_id > output.dat
but I'm wondering if there's a way to do this per field, and have the results redirected to output.dat.
#id acct name city age
AA XXXXX0 SXXXX city-57 20s
AC XXXXX1 JXXXX city-29 40s
AF XXXXX4 AXXXX city-100 80s
Maybe a pre-question is can you (do this simply)?
I'm also considering how paste(1)
might be an alternative to just glue the columns back together, but maybe there's a better way.
Usually it is easier to process row, column data in awk
but due to involvement of shell functions it is better to handle this in shell itself.
Assuming lookup_id, scrub_acct, scrub_name, lookup_city, scrub_age
are shell functions or scripts that are reading input from stdin you can create an array of them and call them while looping through each record from input file:
# example shell functions
lookup_id() { read str; printf "lookup_id: %s\n" "$str"; }
scrub_acct() { read str; printf "scrub_acct: %s\n" "$str"; }
scrub_name() { read str; printf "scrub_name: %s\n" "$str"; }
lookup_city() { read str; printf "lookup_city: %s\n" "$str"; }
scrub_age() { read str; printf "scrub_age: %s\n" "$str"; }
# array of functions or scripts to be invoked
fnarr=(lookup_id scrub_acct scrub_name lookup_city scrub_age)
# main processing
while IFS=$'\t' read -ra ary; do
for ((i=0; i<${#ary[@]}; i++)); do
# call function for each field value
"${fnarr[i]}" <<< "${ary[i]}"
echo '============================='
done < <(tail -n +2 file)
lookup_id: 12
scrub_acct: 100290
scrub_name: Sally
lookup_city: San Francisco
scrub_age: 24
lookup_id: 15
scrub_acct: 102911
scrub_name: Jerry
lookup_city: Sacramento
scrub_age: 40
lookup_id: 99
scrub_acct: 102134
scrub_name: Amir
lookup_city: Eureka
scrub_age: 82