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How to put a title on a biplot in matlab?

I have created a biplot in matlab

biplot = biplot(wcoeff(:,1:2),'Scores',score(:,1:2),'VarLabels',drugsFixed,'ObsLabels',cellLines,'MarkerSize',15)

It looks great, but I'd like to add a title. Adding 'title' to the biplot function call results in an error. The 'biplot' object doesn't have any children that look like they might have the title handle in it. Suggestions?


  • As with many plotting functions, I can follow up my call to biplot with a call to title to add a title to the current figure.

    %% Biplot of Coefficients and Scores
    % Load the sample data.
    % Copyright 2015 The MathWorks, Inc.
    load carsmall
    % Define the variable matrix and delete the rows with missing values.
    x = [Acceleration Displacement Horsepower MPG Weight];
    x = x(all(~isnan(x),2),:);
    % Perform a principal component analysis of the data.
    [coefs,score] = pca(zscore(x));
    % View the data and the original variables in the space of the first three
    % principal components.
    vbls = {'Accel','Disp','HP','MPG','Wgt'};
    %Add the title
    title('My title');

    If the correct figure is not current, you can change the current figure by calling figure(f) where f is the figure handle that you want to add the title to.