$ artisan make:controller fooController
Controller created successfully.
A controller is not created under app\Http\Controllers and git status
does not show any changes. Running the command a second time returns "Controller already exists!" artisan make:model Foo
works fine as does creating a controller by hand, but that's not really fun. What am I missing?
"php": ">=5.6.4",
"laravel/framework": "5.4.*",
The workstation is Windows and there do not seem to be any permission problems.
Edit: Tried running composer update
, same result.
Rename your controller name using capital on the first letter:
artisan make:controller FooController
Also, according to Laravel naming convention, you don't have to add Controller at the end of the controller name. Use this instead:
artisan make:controller Foo
make sure your controller name is in singular form
For Example:
php artisan make:model Supplier --migration --controller
will produce:
-Controller named: SupplierController.php
-Model named: Supplier.php
-Migrations named: 2017_06_17_161642_create_suppliers_table.php (laravel automatically change it into plural form)
Also, try checking your laravel version using: php artisan --version
and make sure its 5.4.xx
if not, update your laravel using composer update