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Facebook Marketing API : Sharing Custom Audiences

I'm trying to create, add users, remove users to custom audiences and then share those audiences with other accounts. I have gotten all of these working except for the sharing part.

The api docs seem very vague on how to actually do this. Here is what it says:

Share your custom audience with business objects at '/custom-audience/share_with_objects'

Does anyone know how to do this through the API? I imagine you'd need the AD_ACCOUNT_ID and the CUSTOM_AUDIENCE_ID in some capacity.

for reference that quoted line above is from here under the header Building a Custom Audience

Thanks for the help.


  • I am not entirely sure what you want to do but the documentation says how you can Create and Share a custom audience with other advertiser accounts.Reference here. You have to POST on this endpoint /{custom_audience_id}/adaccounts and specify the owner ad account and the recipient ad account. Please, check the documentation for more information. Hope this helped.