I generate an array of Int
inside Haxe macro and would like to apply a function on it like this:
typedef ComponentIdArray = Array<Int>;
class MyMacros {
// Each descendant of 'Component' has static member 'id_'
// Convert array of classes to corresponding indices
public static macro function classesToIndices(indexClasses:Array<ExprOf<Class<Component>>>) {
var ixs = [for (indexClass in indexClasses) {macro $indexClass.id_ ;}];
return macro $a{ixs};
public static macro function allOf(indexClasses:Array<ExprOf<Class<Component>>>) {
var indices = macro Matcher.classesToIndices($a{indexClasses});
// FIXME 'distinct' is a function from thx.core -- DOES NOT WORK
//var indices2 = macro ($a{indices}.distinct());
return macro MyMacros.allOfIndices($indices);
public static function allOfIndices(indices:ComponentIdArray) {
//... normal function
// currently I call indices.distinct() here
return indices.distinct();
class C1 extends Component {} // C1.id_ will be set to 1
class C2 extends Component {} // C2.id_ will be set to 2
var r = MyMacros.allOf(C1, C2, C1); // should return [1,2]
Since everything is known compile-time I would like to do this in macro.
KevinResoL's answer is basically correct, except it seems you want distinct()
to be executed at compile-time (as you can see in try.haxe's output tab, the generated JS code contains the thx.Arrays.distinct()
The easiest solution is probably to call distinct()
right away in allOf()
using haxe.macro.ExprTools;
public static macro function allOf(indexClasses:Array<ExprOf<Class<Component>>>) {
indexClasses = indexClasses.distinct(function(e1, e2) {
return e1.toString() == e2.toString();
var indices = macro Matcher.classesToIndices($a{indexClasses});
return macro MyMacros.allOfIndices($indices);
As you can see, you also need to define a custom predicate
for distinct()
, since you're comparing expressions - by default it uses a simple equality check (==
), which isn't good enough.
The generated code looks like this (if the id_
variables are declared inline
var r = MyMacros.allOfIndices([1, 2]);