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opencart download from new server

Actually i want to change opencart download routh to new website, already download folder is:



define('DIR_DOWNLOAD', '/system/download/');

and here is code from controller/account/download.php

if ($download_info) {
    $file = DIR_DOWNLOAD . $download_info['filename'];
    $mask = basename($download_info['mask']);

    if (!headers_sent()) {
        if (file_exists($file)) {
            header('Content-Type: application/octet-stream');
            header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' . ($mask ? $mask : basename($file)) . '"');
            header('Expires: 0');
            header('Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0');
            header('Pragma: public');
            header('Content-Length: ' . filesize($file));

            if (ob_get_level()) {

            readfile($file, 'rb');

        } else {
            exit('Error: Could not find file ' . $file . '!');
    } else {
        exit('Error: Headers already sent out!');
} else {
    $this->response->redirect($this->url->link('account/download', '', 'SSL'));

i want to buy a new server just for downloading, and now i want change opencart download route to new server. how can i do this?

Already download system is like this:

and it will get file from this directory:


but i want to get file from new server:

Is it possible? I changed DIR_DOWNLOAD but no success. Any idea?


  • Yes you can, go with this easily:

    $newserv = "";
    $file = $newserv . $download_info['filename'];
    $mask = basename($download_info['mask']);