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Angularjs - X-Editable: $data in onAfterSave($data)

What does the $data stores? does it store the object selected in my ng-options? Here's my markup:

<span editable-select="item.myDropdown" e-multiple e-ng-options="rol as rol.roleName for rol in myCtrl.roles" onaftersave="$data)" ng-model="myRole.roleSelected"></span>

Because I have a function on my script where it receives the $data as parameter. Here's my sample code:

$ = function (data) { //data = $data
    var savedRole = data;       //data here is a JSON object


  • "The Angular-Xeditable docs don't make it quite clear, but it appears that $data (and $index) are just injected values and that you can pass pretty much anything you want to the save/validate methods." -Michael Oryl