I'm using vuejs and almost everything I do is on client-side, but for thing I need to call the server-side to check if URL exists or not.
I don't want to make these requests from browser, because that doesn't make sense to fetch different website from my scripts that will be more like calling any bad website without user knowing it in background, so I need to call cloud-function(gce) or aws lambda(since I don't want to host the site on server for it, since it has just one api call).
What would be the best way to accomplish it, I'm looking for something like website is www.webapp.com
and cloud-function call on www.webapp.com/checkUrl
If you choose AWS platform, you can use S3, CloudFront, Route53, API Gateway and Lambda to accomplish your goal.
Step 02
Create your lambda function
Create a API gateway
Add new resource (GET/POST) pointing to your lambda
Deploy your API
Go back to the CloudFront distribution and add a origin pointing to your API Gateway
In the behaviour tab, create a new behaviour eg: (/checkUrl
) and point it to the OriginId of the API Gateway
Step 03
) and point it to the DNS of your CloudFront distributionwww.webapp.com