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IBM Bluemix registry push authentication error

When pushing to the Bluemix registry, I get the following error:

47c2386f248c: Waiting 
2be95f0d8a0c: Waiting 
2df9b8def18a: Waiting 
unauthorized: authentication required

I've got the cs and cr plugins both installed, an have verified Bx is being added to more auths file. Have tried both using OSX keychain as credstore and without.

When I pull the IBMLiberty example from the BX registry, or build an image with Liberty as the base, it does pull without issue.

I'm running:

docker build . -t

docker push

Have also tried manually exporting BLUEMIX_TRACE=true and re-running the login and init commands.


  • It's not clear if you own the namespace my_space can you run bx cr namespaces to see what namespaces you can push to? If need be you can add one with bx cr namespace-add <something unique to you>.