I have a page with multiple gridviews on it. All the gridviews have gridview methods that only vary by the gridview name. Is there a way to have a reusable method and run the code on the calling gridview?
For example, in both gridview1 and gridview2's RowCancelingEdit method both gridviews would have a line of:
[respectivegridview].EditIndex = -1;
The 'this' keyword is pulling the page class and not a gridview so I am not sure if/how to capture which gridview fired the method if I put something like:
in both gridview1 and gridview2's attributes
If the method is an event handler or if you send the sender
object to the method then the gridview can be pulled out by casting the sender to a DataGridView
private void datagridview_edit(object sender, EventArgs e)
((DataGridView)sender).EditIndex = -1;