For history, I just recently wrote this question:
This has led to a follow up question. In the User Profile, "Roles" Tab (which I'm assuming is a table somewhere), is there a table I can report on that will get me what was changed and possibly by which user account (and maybe even the IP address of the user account)?
The path is: Main Menu->PeopleTools->Security->User Profiles (and then the 'Roles' Tab).
Ultimately I need to figure out what change was made (when a role name was added) and by what user account and as of what date/time. If possible I need to link it to the IP address (which I think is found here: PSACCESSLOG).
what you need is audit on the PSROLEUSER table: you need to build an audit table for it and fill it either by a database trigger or through a PeopleSoft development: adding record audit to the PSROLEUSER table.