I wrote a query:
var results = db.collection('diseases').find({
'ttl.txt': {
$regex: data,
$options: 'i'
Then I printed results
to a console.
if (results.length > 0) {
ToArray method must return array of found documents. But this method returns me this string: Promise { <pending> }
How can I return array of found documents instead of this string?
toArray: Link to the documentation
You are getting this error because the find() method is asynchronous, that's why the promise is pending: it is still fetching.
'ttl.txt': {
$regex: data,
$options: 'i'
}).toArray().then((data) => {
// Here you can do something with your data
Notice that you have your data inside a callback. For more info about promises check Promise
Depending on your node version (7.6+ I believe), you can use something like this
async function getResults() {
return db.collection('diseases').find({
'ttl.txt': {
$regex: data,
$options: 'i'
const results = await getResults();
So your code with look like a synchronous code. The key here is the async/await command that wait for the promise results.
Hope it helps!