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Custom pipe to sort array of array

I have a array of array having two elements each, i.e. arr[a[2]]. Index 0 is name and index 1 is size . I want a pipe to sort the array of array according to size ie index 1 .


arr [ [ 'hello' , '1' ] , [ 'how' , '5' ] , [ 'you' , '12' ] , [ 'are' , '6' ] ]

Output of pipe should be :

arr [ [ 'hello' , '1' ] , [ 'how' , '5' ] , [ 'are' , '6' ] , [ 'you' , '12' ] ]

HTML file:

<p> {{items  | custompipe }}</p>


  • It's not a good idea to use a pipe for sorting. See the link here:

    Rather, add code in your component to perform your sort.

    Here is an example. This one filters, but you could change it to sort instead.

    import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';
    import { IProduct } from './product';
    import { ProductService } from './product.service';
        templateUrl: './product-list.component.html'
    export class ProductListComponent implements OnInit {
        _listFilter: string;
        get listFilter(): string {
            return this._listFilter;
        set listFilter(value: string) {
            this._listFilter = value;
            this.filteredProducts = this.listFilter ? this.performFilter(this.listFilter) : this.products;
        filteredProducts: IProduct[];
        products: IProduct[] = [];
        constructor(private _productService: ProductService) {
        performFilter(filterBy: string): IProduct[] {
            filterBy = filterBy.toLocaleLowerCase();
            return this.products.filter((product: IProduct) =>
                  product.productName.toLocaleLowerCase().indexOf(filterBy) !== -1);
        ngOnInit(): void {
                    .subscribe(products => {
                        this.products = products;
                        this.filteredProducts = this.products;
                        error => this.errorMessage = <any>error);