Hi i'm trying to click on a position (from 0 to 7) in my GridPane. I would set an image inside it. I tryed everything but i can't see any improvement...
Here my code on click on grid
private void clickGrid(MouseEvent event) {
myGrid = new GridPane();
black = new Image("othello/images/black.png");
white = new Image("othello/images/white.png");
empty = new Image("othello/images/empty.png");
Node source = (Node)event.getSource() ;
Integer colIndex = GridPane.getColumnIndex(source);
Integer rowIndex = GridPane.getRowIndex(source);
System.out.printf("Mouse clicked cell [%d, %d]%n", colIndex.intValue(), rowIndex.intValue());
myGrid.add(new ImageView(white), colIndex, rowIndex);
Here my code when i click restart
private void restartGame(ActionEvent event)throws Exception{
myGrid = new GridPane();
black = new Image("othello/images/black.png");
white = new Image("othello/images/white.png");
empty = new Image("othello/images/empty.png");
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++){ //Per righe
for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++){ // Per colonne
myGrid.add(new ImageView(empty), i, j);
myGrid.add(new ImageView(black), 3, 3);
myGrid.add(new ImageView(black), 4, 3);
myGrid.add(new ImageView(white), 4, 4);
myGrid.add(new ImageView(white), 4, 3);
black is my piece colored of black, for white is white.
Source path
I have main project in src of netbeans.
Inside it, i have:
- othello (it contains my main)
- othello.images (it cointains all my image also backgrounds)
- othello.view (it contains my FXML files)
- othello.model (now nothing)
- othello.controller (it contains the controllers about the fxml files)
Don't create a new GridPane on every click:
myGrid = new GridPane(); // delete this
delete this line, and add an image to the GridPane you've prepared in FXML